Major Auto-Hemotherapy (MAH) involves the injection of medical grade ozone gas into blood drawn from a patient. The ozone is allowed to mix with the blood for a period of time.
The ozonated blood is then intravenously infused back into the same patient. The ozonated blood will be a much brighter red color than the drawn blood. This is because the blood has been super oxygenated.
It appears that when ozone is injected into the treated sample of blood, it destroys any pathogens, and when it is injected back into the person, it may have the effect of an autogenous (self-generated) vaccine although more research is necessary to better understand this potential effect.
MAH is a specific, medical procedure that must be performed by properly trained, medical professionals in accordance with strict protocols.
When properly performed, MAH is comfortable, safe, and effective. It has a cumulative effect so that each treatment builds on and enhances the effects of previous treatments.
What are some benefits of MAH?
• Stimulates the production of white blood cells and increases the production of interferon, interleuken-2, and tumor necrosis factor, which the body uses to fight infections and cancer
• Kills bacteria and viruses
• Increases the amount of oxygen in the blood and helps deliver oxygen to all of the cells in the body. It also
• Helps degrade petrochemicals. This includes different toxins that one might have in the body due to the environment or food eaten.
• It helps dissolve and eliminate them from the body, and hence, lightens the body’s toxic load
• Increases red blood cell membrane distendability, making it more flexible. This is one way it is used in the treatment of heart disease.
• The administration of ozone changes the blood formation and helps the blood flow more effectively
Here is an article where you can read more extensively about Major-Autohemo therapy: